Walking Blindly
I didn't get a chance to write on Saturday, but on Saturday I took the chance to run in the morning before work. It was a great run. From my house, I got onto Tuweap going toward Sunset Blvd. and turned by Country Kids daycare. I ran to Arrowhead Elementary school and then turned around and made my way to Lava Flow Drive. Since Lava Flow is my least favorite road to run I took the trail that goes along it and then made it back to my house. It was a little over 4 miles. It took me about an hour. I still need to do a little bit of work, but I will get faster again.
Quickly, just two thoughts that came to me on my run.
1. Many times in our lives we have to take steps into the darkness in order for the light to follow. While I was running I was trying to decide where I wanted to go. I could have gone up Dutchman's hill, down little league hill, on to lava cove, or I could go the Lava Flow way. Like I said I decided to go the Lava Flow way. As I turned the corner by the Middle School Seminary building I looked up and Pine Valley was poking through wispy clouds covered in snow. It was beautiful! I thought to myself I am so glad that I went this way! Then, it just clicked. Even though I have no idea what I am really doing with my life, or where I am headed beforehand if I stay close to the spirit and do what I think is best then when I get on the right road, I will say to myself, I am so glad I went this way! I thought of the scripture 1 Nephi 4:6&7.
2. During this run I could feel how slow I was going. On more than one occasion I thought that I should pick up my pace. The last time that I thought that the scripture D&C 10:4 came to mind, part that says, "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength..." I feel like this last semester I have been running faster than I have strength. I have been so busy. I like being busy, but sometimes it has been overwhelming and frustrating. Thinking about this more I realized that I do this so much. Sometimes I feel the Lord telling me to slow down. There are lessons that I miss because I am rushing to do this, or become that. I know that the Lord teaches us line upon line, precept upon precept. Although I have a vision of the person that I want to be and the life I want to have, I have to slow down and enjoy the journey and not wear myself out so arriving at the journey will be more rewarding because I will have become that person or done that thing. I still have so much to learn, but with each day and each decision I make I am learning more.
Until next time, Have a great day, and do something that your body will appreciate! :)
Quickly, just two thoughts that came to me on my run.
1. Many times in our lives we have to take steps into the darkness in order for the light to follow. While I was running I was trying to decide where I wanted to go. I could have gone up Dutchman's hill, down little league hill, on to lava cove, or I could go the Lava Flow way. Like I said I decided to go the Lava Flow way. As I turned the corner by the Middle School Seminary building I looked up and Pine Valley was poking through wispy clouds covered in snow. It was beautiful! I thought to myself I am so glad that I went this way! Then, it just clicked. Even though I have no idea what I am really doing with my life, or where I am headed beforehand if I stay close to the spirit and do what I think is best then when I get on the right road, I will say to myself, I am so glad I went this way! I thought of the scripture 1 Nephi 4:6&7.
"And I was led by the spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. Nevertheless I went forth..."I have been thinking a lot about how I can't be afraid of the future. There are a lot of uncertainties, but one thing that has been reaffirmed to me countless times is that my life is in God's hands. He will not let me make a mistake or take a wrong path if I stay close to him. I am trying to learn how to exercise faith and act. Just make choices and then wait for either a confirmation or a stupor of thought. This summer the missionary that I was semi-waiting for came home. We tried dating, but it just didn't work. The spirit was definitely there telling us that it wasn't right. Out of that experience I realized that the Lord really does care what I do with my life and he really wants me to succeed. He wants me to have a good life and to be happy. Now that I have a future to plan I am trying to rely on that testimony that he gave me and trust that he will guide me if I act.
2. During this run I could feel how slow I was going. On more than one occasion I thought that I should pick up my pace. The last time that I thought that the scripture D&C 10:4 came to mind, part that says, "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength..." I feel like this last semester I have been running faster than I have strength. I have been so busy. I like being busy, but sometimes it has been overwhelming and frustrating. Thinking about this more I realized that I do this so much. Sometimes I feel the Lord telling me to slow down. There are lessons that I miss because I am rushing to do this, or become that. I know that the Lord teaches us line upon line, precept upon precept. Although I have a vision of the person that I want to be and the life I want to have, I have to slow down and enjoy the journey and not wear myself out so arriving at the journey will be more rewarding because I will have become that person or done that thing. I still have so much to learn, but with each day and each decision I make I am learning more.
Until next time, Have a great day, and do something that your body will appreciate! :)
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